If you want to find amazing architecture in interesting places you'll never be disappointed by checking out the temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This one is in St. George, Utah, built in 1877.
I have no words to adequately describe this sweet and wonderful family! Let me just say, I LOVED taking their family photos and I sincerely hope that their "awesome-ness" will shine through in these images. It's why I love photography. It can say all I want to without the words...
Pioneer Park -- Las Cruces. And if some of them look familiar, yes, that's Felicia, Dave, and Kayden, featured in another photo shoot!
I was checking out Pioneer Park in Las Cruces for a photo shoot and these two men caught my eye. They were totally enjoying just kicking back and shooting the breeze. I think I need to do more of that...oh, and don't you think the guy on the bench looks a little like George Clooney?
Raleigh (from Hawaii) giving a tender and loving greeting to cousin Ruby (from San Diego) -- the only girl cousin, at time of photo, in the midst of lots of boys! Ruby now has a baby sister...